Thursday, January 28, 2010

"I Built It"

 We took Grayson to the "Build and Grow" clinic at Lowe's last weekend to build a Tic-Tac-Toe Box. Grayson just so happened to love the whole process. If you haven't taken your kids, it's a little cheesy, but they'll love it. I think the parents do more of the work than the kids. When we first arrived, they gave Grayson an apron and a hammer. Next, he got his kit and the Lowe's helpers just went around the table to assist with the the project. It was a little hard for Grayson, but with our help he did it. He tried really hard and was so proud of his box. After he built his box, he got a certificate and a patch to put on his apron. Now he can't wait to go back!


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