Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4-D Ultrasound

Okay, so I just had to do the 4-D ultrasound. I did it in Las Crucas when I was visiting my parents a couple of weeks ago. The pictures didn't turn out as good as the images I could view on the monitor, but it was still pretty awesome to see. The baby looks so much like Grayson in the pictures, it's just too cute.

1 comment:

Save Life said...

Pregnancy is an exciting time for every mother from the first time of meeting their baby till the time they actually hold the pair of little feet in your hands. A 4d ultrasound scan provides live video footage of the baby's movements, developments and the baby's heartbeat. Still images are the taken from this scan, also giving you 4D ultrasounds images to take home with your movie of the unborn baby