The boys and I went to Las Cruces last week and I am finally posting...

Someone, I won't name any names, gave Gavyn his first few licks of a popsicle. I kind of freaked out, but Gavyn was in heaven!
We enjoyed some relaxation time in the hot tub. It was Gavyn's first time, but he loved it as much as Grayson did his first time. Don't worry the temperature is regulated, the water is comfortable for the kids. Just in case you were thinking, "I can't believe she lets here babies in the hot tub!"
We went to the park to play since the weather was nice, unlike our crazy Texas weather. Grayson also revisited the tennis courts and Gavyn watched very intently. Grayson doesn't really have a clue how to play, nor does he follow my directions to learn. He just runs around crazily and chases the tennis balls. Oh well... he burns a lot of energy.
I got to get a pedicure all by myself, without baby in lap. My feet are finally soft again and do not feel like sand paper anymore! You are probably getting bored by now, but I just think my kids are so cute. I could have done without the feet picture, I know, but I just though it was cute Grayson put his feet on mine after my pedicure. He notices everything!
Grayson got a new shirt with a tie on it, that he insisted I take a picture of.
Finally, it was my mom's birthday and her friends threw a SURPRISE party! I was in on the surprise and I didn't spill the beans, go me!!! She got this crazy hat as a gift and the kids loved it. They both wanted to play with it and for some reason it brought out he crazies in Grayson. He was wild and crazy until he took it off. Well, there ya have it a week in New Mexico.